
Mood Light: How Lighting Affects Your Mood


When you are still a child, does anyone give you a mood […]

When you are still a child, does anyone give you a mood ring and swear that the color it turns around reveals how you felt at that moment?


Mood ring fashion may be rubbish science, but research on mood lights is not. There are many ongoing studies trying to figure out how lighting affects emotions. Although most scientists believe that more work needs to be done before we can understand how it works, preliminary research still shows that light and emotion are interrelated.


This means that the lighting in your home may affect how you feel in your daily life. Is it difficult for you to fall asleep, or do you notice that your mood starts to change after you return home? You may want to consider the mood lighting used.


Follow  LED Mood Light Factory   : Read to find out more about how lighting affects your mood.


What is the psychological impact of light?


So how does light affect our emotions?


As humans, our bodies are programmed to be outdoors, not indoors. This means that our body gets a lot of clues from our environment - the most important thing is the sun and its light.


We rely on the sun to regulate our circadian rhythms, which are our internal clocks. When you get super time difference, this is because your circadian rhythm has been abandoned - your body thinks it is at 10 o'clock in the evening, when you are in the new time zone at 2 pm.


Illumination can help or destroy those natural rhythms, which in turn can lead to changes in mood, energy levels, and even hormones produced by the body.


Our body relies on an internal clock to help regulate its internal functions. Lighting plays an important role in the way the internal clock works.


So what is the different way light can affect us?


Light makes our mood more intense


Imagine the trial scene in the movie. It may start in a dark room, and then the police or detective will shine brightly on the suspect's face. Or it may have started in a room that has been ignited with harsh lighting.


In both cases, lighting is important because light can make our emotions stronger. Studies have shown that both positive and negative emotions increase under intense illumination. The study found that people choose more stimulating foods, make people more attractive, and think that certain words are more active in bright light.


On sunny days, you may be more hopeful about the projects you have been doing, and on a cloudy day, you may have a more pessimistic view of the same project.


Maybe this is why people suddenly pop up when the lights are on?


Mood lights can increase productivity


Lighting can affect our mood. It can even change the way we work.


If you have tried not enough light to read, you may already know how painful it is - literally. Trying to focus on certain things in dim lighting can cause eye strain, headaches and other problems.


When this happens in the workplace, it is understandable that productivity is declining. Dim lighting can also make you feel sleepy and less focused.


On the other hand, too harsh lighting can cause stress. People who work under harsh lighting are more likely to be dissatisfied with their work.


Lighting can help or hurt our sleep


Since we mentioned the circadian rhythm before, you may have guessed that lighting can have a big impact on the quality and quantity of sleep.


Blue lights, such as the light of a cell phone or laptop, can make us feel more energetic. If the first thing you do when waking up is to check your phone, this may help you get rid of sleepiness and actually get up to start your day.


On the other hand, the same lighting can cause problems when you relax and sleep. The light that gives us energy during the day will still signal your body that it should be awake and alert. If you have problems after reading your phone, this may be the reason.


Light will affect your appetite


Think about the lighting of fast food restaurants and upscale restaurants.


It is possible that when you think of the lights in a fast food restaurant, the lights are very bright. For upscale restaurants, the lighting may be dimmer, creating a more intimate and relaxed atmosphere.


Lighting not only signals us, it tells us where we are, it also affects how much we eat and what we eat. In high-end restaurants, the lighting is dim and your chances of eating are slower. However, you may also order unhealthy foods because you are more relaxed than paying too much attention to calories.


At a fast food restaurant, you will eat more food in less time, because the lights and colors make you want to speed up.


Light can alleviate the symptoms of depression


Finally, the type of light around you will not only seriously affect your short-term mood, but also your mental health.


Studies have shown that outings and natural light can help alleviate depressive symptoms. Although sun alone cannot cure depression alone, it can help alleviate this effect.


Exposure to the sun can improve your well-being no matter where you are. It goes back to those circadian rhythms - the more we insist on these rhythms, the better our body functions.


What is the quality of your home's emotional lighting?


Just like natural light, people can magically create more windows in their homes. So what is the best lighting used at home?


Try to avoid using fluorescent lights because the lights are glaring and can have a negative impact on your mood. It is recommended to install a dimmer in areas such as the living room and bedroom. This way, you can adjust the mood lights as needed.