LED Christmas lights use light emitting diodes rather t […]
LED Christmas lights use light emitting diodes rather than the traditional miniature incandescent bulbs. LEDs are much like incandescent bulbs except that they do not have a filament inside that can burn out and take the entire string of bulbs with it. Instead, they are illuminated by the movement of electrons in a semi-conductor material. Another benefit of this light source is the absence of excessive heat and wasted electricity.
LEDs have been around for a long time, but only caught on for use as Christmas lights in recent years. One reason is that older LEDs originally came in only red. Incandescent bulbs, on the other hand, emit only white light but are encased in colored glass. Another problem was a lack of brightness of LEDs. The potential was there however, and advanced LEDs solved these problems. Today you can find LED christmas lights in all kinds of shapes and sizes. They can blink just like the regular incandescent varieties and come in a wide range of colors.
How to choose LED Christmas Lights?
you may want to think about whether you want colored or white bulbs and, if you choose white, which shade of white you prefer. You also should consider whether you want to buy lights that blink, stay the same color or alternate, or appear to dance to music. In addition, determining whether they will go indoors or outdoors will help determine the best bulb size for you.
One detail to think about is whether you want bulbs with different colors or solid white LED holiday lighting.